Sunday, July 17, 2011

More Free Stuff!

I wanted to add that I will be attending Staples Teacher Appreciation sale....

Staples Teacher Appreciation Day!

Help spread the word. Make sure your fellow teachers know about this event.

*FREE gift bag available for first 100 teachers. While supplies last.
Select your location to find the date of an event in your area.

Don’t miss these great perks at your local event.

FREE thank you gift bag*
Great coupon savings
Get a sneak peek at must-have new items for your classroom
GO to to select your State then City to see what date your local Staples will be giving away their bags!

...and Office Depot's sale as well!

Office Depot has a Teacher Appreciation Day and Week.

They are offering a week with 20% off with your Star Teacher card and on the Saturday of the event they are having a breakfast.

You will get a tote, sample office products, and a coupon book with coupons to use throughout the year. If you are not a Star Teacher, there is a link to become one.

Will you?

This is it!

No, not Michael Jackson's song or movie or...well you get the point! But it's my very first post on this blog!

Today I woke up thinking about school and how I can keep track of my own memories, experiences and challenges of the 2011-2012 school year and what does and XtraRdinaree teacher need to start off the school year: FREE Stuff!

I went to my trusty resource of all time: GOOGLE and they gave me places and dates for free stuff in my area and I want to share them with you. Oh and give credit to those who found it for me...

Office Max has announced the dates of their Teacher Appreciation events.

Details and a link are available at Vintage Teacher. Spread the word and mark your calendars.